2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

Past TESS Studies

Note: Because authors of successful TESS proposals have exclusive right to TESS data for one year after data are delivered to them, only studies fielded more than one year ago are listed here.


Childbearing Preferences in the Face of Work, Family, and Financial Constraints

Are Moral Values Uniquely Divisive?

Does Allowing Firms to Pay to Pollute Reduce the Moral Stigma of Pollution?

Racialized Organizations and the Reproduction of Inequality: Assessing Support for Whiteness as a Credential and the Preservation of Racial Ignorance

The De-gendering and Dehumanization of Transgender People

Taxed or Indebted: Popular Preferences for Fiscal Instruments

Rising Income Inequality and the Perceived Social Structure of Economic Opportunity

Whose is the conventional thought?

The Tesla effect: Increasing Republican support for electric vehicle adoption through engagement with a value-aligned product

Optimizing Surveys: Studying Gender and Health Among LGBT Americans

Platform Effects: Estimating Online vs. Offline Polarization & Self-Censorship in Political Speech

Understanding White Identity Management in a Changing America

Using conjoint experiments to assess policy responsiveness

Why do Governments Use Inefficient Environmental Policies?

Perceptions of Legality and Civil Justice

Active Civics and Engagement


Do White Americans’ Beliefs about Racial Inequality depend on the Sex of the Target Group? Evidence from a Survey Based Experiment

Do Messages That Encourage the Use of They/Them Pronouns Influence Public Opinion?

Health-Related Racial Inequality Motivates Support for Action

Accounting for the Correlation between Perceived Risks and Rewards to Crime

Consuming Values: Estimating Consumer Demand for Corporate Social Responsibility

Causal Attributions, Treatability, and Mental Illness Stigma: An Experimental Study

Do notifications affect consumers willingness to incur power outages? Evidence from Public Safety Power Shutoffs in California

What Counts as Racism? How Conceptual Disagreement Fuels Social and Political Division

The Effect of News Coverage Celebrating Inclusion in Congress

Optimizing Schools? Public Perceptions of Algorithmic versus Status Quo Prioritization in K-12 Schooling

Values-consistent messaging to a vaccine skeptical population

Vignette Order and the Measurement of Subjective Well-Being

Politics and purity: The effect of elite partisan cues on pathogen perceptions

Understanding Ideal Descriptive Representation

Motivations, priors and probability samples: A replication of Motivated Numeracy & Enlightened Self-government using a probability sample

Self-Enhancement and Expectations of Political Cynicism

The Future of Latinos’ Policy Attitudes Amid the Rising Diversity in the United States

Do Sustainability Labels Lead to More Sustainable and Healthier Food Choices?


Political Cue Taking on Social Media Among Teens

Equality is Misperceived as Harmful to Advantaged Groups: An Intervention to Increase Vaccine Equity Support

Judgments of Extremism and Social Information

The Effects of Exposure to Women Candidates on Adolescents’ Political Attitudes

The Effects of Exposure to Women Candidates on Political Attitudes

Educational Rankings and Adolescent Perceptions of College Cost

Two-Sided Collective Action: An Experimental Study of Grocery Consumers’ Behavior

Cancel Culture for Friends, Consequence Culture for Enemies: The Effects of Ideological Congruence on Perceptions of Free Speech

Does Political Incivility Polarize? Considering the Role of Intergroup Dynamics

What Motivates Interest in Politics?

When and How Teachers Communicate Growth Mindset Affordances to Adolescents

Understanding Effects of Communicating Different Types of Conflicting Information About Nutrition and Cancer Risk

The Influence of the Terms We Use on Measures of Racial Attitudes

Ballot Privacy, Voter Coercion and the 2020 US General Election

Do Victims’ Race and Gender Identity Interact to Predict the Perceived Credibility of Sexual Harassment Claims?

Additional Sources of Negative Partisanship: Judging Others’ Values based on Political Affiliation

All in the Family: The Effects of Familial Attitudes on Women’s Support for Pro-Women Policies

Gender and the Disparate Payoffs of Overwork

Vaccine Nationalism and Redistributive Preferences

Political Cue Taking on Social Media Among Adults in Comparison to Teens

Blame and Bias in Trust in Public Policy Algorithms

Which College Graduates are Perceived as Trainable for Today’s Work World? Perceptions of Race, Gender, Achievement, and the Liberal Arts

Why Don't Politicians Talk About Meat? Voter Backlash and the Limits of Innovation Credit

Telling the Story Right: Explaining Support for Transgender and Non-Binary Rights

Does Elite Philanthropy Increase Support for Plutocracy?

The ‘Democrat’ Party: Consequences (or lack thereof) of Linguistic Choices

New generation, new notion of news? Measuring news-ness based on relevance, topic, and context among teens

How to increase the acceptance of mobile app and sensor data collection?

Candidate Asian-ness and Descriptive Representativeness


Polarization in Pandemics: Partisan Differences in Coronavirus Social Distancing

Mechanical Asians and Animalistic Blacks: The Political Implications of The Symmetry of Two Forms of Dehumanization in Racial Perceptions

Lotteries: A Behavioral Welfare Evaluation

How Candidates Can Signal Sincerity in an Era of Cynicism

Everyone’s Doing It: Affective Polarization is Inflated by Social Pressure

A Conditional Commitment? Partisan Identity and Support for Democracy in the United States

Price Disclosure Laws for Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising: Price Transparency, Information Asymmetry and Consumer Behavior

Do the benefits of receiving affectionate touch generalize beyond satisfied couples?

Gender Versus Party? Do Abortion Frames Affect Issue Engagement?

Educational Attainment and Stigmatization in Prisoner Reentry

The Political Effects of Opioid Addiction Frames

Temporal orientation and energy saving investments: a survey experiment

Backlash Effect? White Americans' Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

Equivalency Framing of Societal Problems and Policy Solutions

Effects of Misinformation News Coverage on Media Trust

ANES Coronavirus Items

An Imperfect Match? How Gender and Race Influence Perceptions of Job Applicants by Qualification Levels

Deadly Divisions in Mass Pandemic Responses

Does Self-affirmation Influence Health Message Processing through Changes in Construal Levels?


Do Americans Think Surgeon = Male in 2019?

Distributive Justice in American Healthcare

Do Women Make More Credible Threats? Gender Stereotypes and Crisis Bargaining

Reframing Women’s Issues: How Intersectional Identity Frames affect Women’s Political Attitudes

Public Perceptions of Prenatal Alcohol Consumption

Social Class, College Debt, and the Purpose of College

Factors Affecting Public Opinion on Transgender Medical Care Refusal

Whom Do You Believe? Assessing Credibility of the Accuser and Accused in Sexual Assault

How Group Identity Shapes Opioid Treatment Policy Opinion

Affective Architecture: Isolating the Influence of Physical Environment on Perceptual and Behavioral Attitudes toward Police

The Partisan Gender Gap: Genuine Attachment or Social Motivation?

Evangelical or Born-Again Christian: Unpacking a Double-Barreled Question

Testing a Theory of Hybrid Femininity

A Question-Wording Experiment on Support for Free Expression

Introducing a Novel Framework for Understanding The Relationships Between Busyness, Idleness, and Happiness

Can Factual Misperceptions be Corrected? An Experiment on American Public Fears of Terrorism

Precarious or Policed Sexualities? How Race and Gender Affect the Categorization of Sexual Behaviors

The Politics of Skin Color: Skin Color as a Politicized Identity for African Americans


The Social Construction of Partisanship: Misperceptions About Party Composition and Partisan Identification

A Randomized Experiment to Test the Effects of Message Frames on Social Stigma and Support for Punitive Policies towards Individuals with Prior Drug Convictions

Understanding Public Perceptions of Absolute and Relative Social Mobility

Race, Religion, and American Support for Humanitarian Intervention

How Social Class and the Framing of Income Inequality Affect Solidarity Within & Across Groups

Burden Sharing and Collective Action: A Study of Opinion on Opioid Treatment Funding

You Can't Always Get What You Want: How Majority-Party Agenda-Setting and Ignored Alternatives Shape Public Attitudes

Citizen Beliefs About Media Bias in the United States

Not all stereotypes are equal: Consequences of partisan stereotypes on polarization

Accidental Environmentalists: Examining the Effect of Income on Positive Social Evaluations of Environmentally-Friendly Lifestyles

Inattention to Game Form

Public Opinion and Attributions for Health Care Costs

Women’s College Advantage and Public Perception of College Value in the Labor Market

Are losers gullible? A new test of ideological asymmetry in conspiracy beliefs

Are Religions Gender-Typed? The Perceived Femininity and Masculinity of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Atheists

Are Americans Willing to Reject a Fiscal Benefit to Exclude Immigrants from Public Entitlements?

Does Harsh Language Referring to Immigrants Translate into Harsher Preferences for Immigration Policies – Or Is It All Politics?

Ambiguous Rhetoric and Legislative Accountability

Human Rights Shaming, Compliance, and Nationalist Backlash


Crime Reporting and Adjudication in US Rape Culture

Issue (Dis)agreement and Intergroup Bias in Affective Polarization

Does Misery Love Company?: Exploration of a Strategic Intervention to Improve Well-being

Beliefs about Racial Discrimination

The Political Impact of Others' Job Loss: Personifying the Enemy

Factors Affecting Attitudes Toward Transgender Bathroom Use

Gender Inequality in Product Markets

International Law, (Non)Compliance, and Domestic Audience Costs

“The Taxpayer Gap”: Perceptions of the Taxpaying Population and Opposition to Welfare Spending


Using Experiments to Estimate Racially Polarized Voting

Which Economy? Class and Partisan Biases in the Acquisition of Economic Information

Exploring the Role of Constitutional Considerations, Public Support and Personal Preferences in Citizen Assessments of Proposed Congressional Action on Immigration and Gun Control

American Responses to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Racial Majority & Minority Group Members' Psychological and Political Reactions to Minority Population Growth

Is Modern Racism Caused by Anti-Black Affect? An Experimental Investigation of the Attitudes Measured by Modern Racism Scales

Conflict between curative and palliative goals among health care personnel: Elucidating psychological processes and resolving conflict through self-affirmation

Influence of Affect on Philosophical Intuitions

Gun Control, Attitude Change, and Bayesian Updating

Do liberals and conservatives differ in attitudes towards new housing development? A conjoint experiment to understand ideology and the housing affordability crisis

Understanding the Expense Prediction Bias

Untangling a Dislike for the Opposing Party from a Dislike of Parties

Untangling a Dislike for the Opposing Party from a Dislike of Parties, Replication

Parental Incarceration and School Discipline: Examining the Effect of Parental Incarceration on Teacher Decision-Making

Does Transparency Affect Survey Research?

Polls that Matter: Dynamics of Horse Race Polling and Public Evaluation of Poll Reports

Networks in Time: Testing Contextual Effects in the 2004 General Social Survey Network Items

Can We Reduce Affective Polarization in the Mass Public?

Portrayals of Serious Mental Illness: Precursor to Violence or Treatable Health Condition?

Emotional Reactions to Terrorism and Candidate Evaluations

Opting into Work-Family Policies: Comparing the Effects of Material and Cultural Concerns

Public Perception of Money in Families

The Electoral Consequences of Elite-Induced Opinion Change

Explaining the Prevalence of White Biological Racism against Blacks

Draining Social Ties and Financial Decision Making

How Does Economic Status Affect Social Preferences? Experimental Evidence

Gender Identity and Diversity, Part 2

Interest in Cancer Screening Tests That Lack Benefits: The Role of Cancer Worry, Perceived Cancer Risk, and Perceived Test Risk

How Whites React to Demographic Change: Millennials, Contract, and Identity

Political Consequences of Apolitical Partisan Conflict

Group Empathy as an Explanation for Variation in U.S. Intergroup Reactions to Humanitarian Emergencies Abroad and Refugee Crises

How Conflict Orientation Influences Emotional and Political Responses to Incivility

The Emotional Substrates of Support for Authoritarian Populists

The Effects of Racial and Economic Threat on Support for the 2016 Presidential Candidates


Black–White Relations in the Wake of Hispanic Growth: Generosity and Identification

Understanding How Individual Differences and Context Shape Media Effects

Saving for retirement vs. Saving for a retirement with others: Motivating saving by framing retirement as a social experience

Proposal to Replicate and Extend Seven TESS Studies

The Wages of Parenthood: At the Intersection of Sexual Orientation and Child Caregiving

The Division of Labor in Same-sex and Heterosexual Households

Self-Affirmation and Defensiveness to Health Messages for the Self vs a Close Other

Self-Affirmation and Implementation Intentions: The Moderating Role of Discrete Emotion

(Ideo)Logical Reasoning: Ideology Impairs Sound Reasoning

Symbols of Justice or of Social Control? Legal Authority and the Views of African Americans

Lay Benchmarking of a Minimum Meaningful Effect Size for Conceptual Outcomes

Helping the Homeless: Empathy, Race, and Perceptions of Homelessness in America

Preferences or Constraints? Education, Gender, and Parenting Attitudes

On the Appeal of Libertarianism in the U.S. Public

Cross-National Replication of Questions Design Experiments

Economic Spillovers of Political Polarization

Testing the Opportunity Model of Beliefs about Economic Inequality

What fosters patients' acceptance of Clinical Decision Support Systems? The influence of knowledge and provider type on popular willingness to use artificial medical intelligence

Precarious Sexuality and Categorization of Sexual Orientation

Misperceptions of the Global Income Distribution and Preferences for Cross-National Redistribution in the United States

Work and Democratic Citizenship: A Theory of Ego Depletion and Political Participation

Americans' Views on Refusal of Services to Same-Sex Couples and Interracial Couples

Does Inequality Activate the System Justification Motivation?

The Barriers of Buying Happier Time

Prosocial Motivation, Social Position, and Support for Social Welfare Policy


The Victim Paradox: How Portrayals of Suffering Affect Attitudes about Gay People and Gay Rights

The Political Effects of Large Number Estimation

Do Voting Criteria Differ across Levels of the U.S. Federal System? A Conjoint Experiment to Understand Voter Decision-making

Equal Representation Project

An Experiment Testing Six Formats of 0 to 100 Rating Scales

Do Better Labels Lead to Better Choices? Evidence from Energy Efficient Labels

Randomized Drug Trials without Consent? The Public's Perspective

How Should We Measure the Perceived Ideological Position of the US Supreme Court?

Can Women's Representation Reduce the Effect of Stereotype Threat on the Gender Gap in Political Knowledge?

Emotion and Response to Physician-Provided Genetic Weight Management Messages

Extreme Policy Proposals and Public Opinion

Body Size, Illness, and Blame: Causal Attributions and Social Consequences

When is "bad stronger than good" in decision making

Strategic Frames, Value Frames, and Citizen Reactions to Elite Polarization

Gender Identity and Diversity

Do Collective Memory and Autobiographical Memory Refer to Different Developmental Stages?

How Scientific Beliefs about the Causes of Homosexuality Influence Opinion on Gay Rights

Shifting Positions on Abortion

Leaders, the Public, and the Domestic Effects of International Law

A Piece of the Pie: Achievement, Children's Sex, and Parent Resource Distribution


Political Parties and Perceptions of Election Fraud

Americans' Support for Workplace Interventions for Combating Racial and Gender Bias: The Impact of Policy Justifications and Inequality Beliefs

Solo and Selfish: The Effects of Social Distancing and Rejection Sensitivity on Greedy Behavior

An experiment on the presumption of consent to emergency medical treatment

Clarifying the Ideal Worker Norm: Workplace Evaluations of Women by Motherhood Status, Level of Involvement, and Race

Intuitive Conservatives and Analytical Liberals: Ideology and Dual-Processing Theory

Economic Reality or Perceived State? How Self-Interest Shapes Social Policy Preferences

The Marginal Internality

Improving Measurement of Self-Reported Health: Effects of Question Context and Response Order

The Salience of National Identity and Americans' Orientations Toward Subgroups

Giving as Habit? Exploring Modes of Cognition and Charitable Donations

Effects of Deliberative Minipublics on Public Opinion: Experimental Evidence from a Survey on Social Security Reform

On the Record: Selecting Representatives on the Basis of Pork or Policy

Economists and Public Opinion: Expert Consensus and Economic Policy Judgments

Impact of Response Scale Direction on Survey Responses to Factual/Behavioral Questions

Are Population-Based Survey Experiments Truly Unparalleled? A Test Using Parallel Designs

Does Presidential Approval Influence Congressional Approval? An Order Effects Experiment

Addressing privacy online: A Factorial Vignette Survey to Assess Privacy Expectations of Behavioral Advertising

Examining How Message Characteristics Influence Support for Gasoline Tax Increases

Effects of a Randomized Experiment Portraying Mental Illness and Drug Abuse as Treatable Health Conditions

Moderating the Genetic Interpolation Effect

Women on the Bench: Citizen Perceptions of Judge Sex and the Courts

Personality and Resistance to Persuasion

The Electoral Consequences of Policy Justifications

Attitudes, Rhetoric, and Acceptance of Political Compromise

Gender Targeting in Political Advertisements

International Law and the Credibility of Commitments

Elites, International Law, and Public Support for Warfare

What's the Best Way to Motivate Kids?


Privacy in Context: Understanding User Privacy Behavior

The Flexible Correction Model and Party Labels

Unmasking Expressive Responses to Political Rumor Questions Using the List Experiment

Stigmatization as an Explanation for the Authoritarianism of the Uneducated

Framing in Noisy Informational Environments

Is the Impending Majority-Minority United States Seen as a System Threat to White Americans?

Examining the ‘Raced’ Fatherhood Premium: Workplace Evaluations of Men by Race, Fatherhood Status, and Level of Involvement

The Legitimacy Conferring Capacity of the U.S. Supreme Court: The Influence of Institutional Symbols

Public Support for Bipartisanship in Congress: Who Compromises, How Much, and Under What Conditions?

Attitudes toward the Employment of Mothers and Fathers

Informing the Public or Information Overload? The influence of school accountability data format and on public satisfaction

Do Attempts to Improve Respondent Attention Increase Social Desirability Bias?

Bias and Credibility: Explaining Partisan News Choice

Disaggregating the Costs of War: Explaining Resolve in Military Interventions

Gender and Non-Attitudes on Foreign Policy

Self-Affirmation and Affect: Effects on Implementation Intentions

How Candidate Race Conditions Voter Responses to Negative Ads

Non-Traditional Candidates and Social Desirability Effects

Is Perceived Polarization a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

The Intersection of Religion and Politics: A Two-Way Street

Dangerous People or Dangerous Guns: The Effects of Policy Frames on Mental Illness Stigma and Support for Gun Control Policy

Race and the Obama Muslim Myth

Can We Finish the Revolution? Gender, Work-Family Ideals, and Institutional Constraint

Terrorism Suspect Religious Identity and Public Support for Controversial Detention and Interrogation Practices

Impressionable Attitudes: Re-examining the malleability of implicit attitudes

Believing in "global warming" versus "climate change": Exploring the psychological mechanisms of a framing effect

The Effect of Question Wording on Preferences for Prenatal Genetic Testing and Abortion

Exponential Growth Bias: Theory and Experiments

Laws, Norms, and the Motherhood/Caretaker Penalty

Panel Conditioning in Longitudinal Surveys: An Experiment

Behavioral Reactions to Skin Infections: Informing Agent-Based Modeling of the MRSA Epidemic


Anxious Politics: The effects of immigration anxiety on trust and attitudes

Racial Prejudice and Paternalism in Mass Support for Foreign Aid

Voting vs. Being a Voter: Exploring the Process Behind a Phrasing Effect On Turnout

To Do, to Have, or to Share? Valuing Experiences and Material Possessions by Involving Others

User-Generated Political Communication: An Experimental Test of Perceived Credibility and Persuasive Impact

The Determinants of Congressional Voting

Can masking of video data reduce perceived invasion of privacy?

Public Attitudes about Political Equality

Do Injustice and Power Determine Anger and Fear Toward Terrorist Groups?

Assessing the Breadth of Framing Effects

Devaluation and Valuation in the Labor Market

Social Desirability Bias and Support for Military Veterans of the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

An Experimental Investigation of the Rally Around the Flag Effect

Inducing Partisan Disagreements About Political Facts

The Consequences of Construing Terrorist Attacks as Suffering versus Threat

Political Grievances and Support for Terrorism: An Experimental Approach

Displaced International Punishment

Protest, Policing, and Perception

Priming, Projection, or Both? Reevaluating the Classic Priming Hypothesis

Can an Attribution Frame Decrease the Impact of a Consideration on Presidential Approval?

Smallpox Vaccine Recommendations: Could Trust be a Shot in the Arm?

Gender and Physical Attractiveness as Status Beliefs

The Mechanisms of Labor Market Discrimination: How Sex, Gender Role, and Sexual Orientation Treatments Impact Evaluations of Black Male Job Applicants

Xenophobic Rhetoric and Its Political Effects on Latinos

Determinants of Belief in Conspiracy Theories

Electoral Choice and Political Participation

Campaign Funding Disclosures and Mass Attitudes

Collective Memory and Autobiographical Memory: Bridging the Divide

Do Data Collection Procedures Influence Political Knowledge Test Performance?

Racial Appeals in a "Post-Racial" Environment

But how do you feel about climate change? Assessing affective reactions to climate change

Do Policy Defaults Communicate Choice-Relevant Information?

Terrorist Threat: Overreactions, Underreactions, and Realistic Reaction

Racial Bias in Perceptions of Others’ Pain

Marketing genius: The influence of claims and cues on parents’ evaluations of baby videos

The Reputational Consequences of International Law and Compliance


Gasoline Prices, Inattentive Consumers, and the Energy Paradox

Gasoline Prices, Inattentive Consumers, and the Energy Paradox

Anger: Racial Resentment Drives Opposition to Health Care Reform

Big Trouble from Not-so-Little China: The Culture of Honor and Aggressive Opposition to China's Emergence as a World Power

Impact of Information Disclosure on the Attractiveness of a Social Network Site Profile

Perceptions of Diversity Across Groups

Weighing a Tie: Assessing Inaccuracies in the 2004 General Social Survey Network Items

Boosting Voter Turnout by Invoking Identity

Communicating Uncertainty in the Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Taking Race at Face Value

The Case of the Stolen Initiative: Were the Voters Framed?

Assessing the Stability of Value Systems in the Mass Public

Perceptions of Islam, Migration, and Citizenship in the United States: A List Experiment

Behind The Legal Shield: International Law, Territorial Settlements and Domestic Punishment

Testing Ideological Social Identity’s Effects in Party Primaries Versus General Elections

Does Racial Bias Influence Support for Sentencing Juveniles to Life in Prison Without the Possibility of Parole?

Understanding How Policy Venue Influences Public Opinion

Race and Big Government in the Age of Obama

Does an Anchoring Vignette Character’s Sex Affect Respondents’ Ratings?

Experiments to Reduce the Overreporting of Voting: A Pipeline to the Truth

Gender Stereotypes in Contexts of Terror Threat

An Experiment in the Measurement of Social and Economic Ideology

Civilian casualties and support for war: A comparative study

Gender Threat, Emotional Expressiveness, and Gender Differences in Risk Ratings

Consequences of Violent Political Rhetoric

Risk Orientations, Status Quo Frames, and Electoral Choice

Is Congress More Polarized than the Public Because it is More Informed than the Public?

Party over Policy or Policy over Party? The Moderating Role of Partisan Ambivalence

Knowledge, Social Constraint, and Self-Doubt: Mechanisms of Social Network Influence on Attitude Strength

The Effects of Racist and Racial Appeals on White Voters

Patient Responses to Medical Error Disclosure: Does Compensation Matter?

Men's (Mis)Perceptions of the Stigma of Unemployment

The Intersection of Group and Outcome Frames in Shaping Opinion

Weight-Based Discrimination at Work

Campaigning with Class: The Impact of Candidate Class Background and Current Socio-Economic Achievement on Voters’ Evaluations

Fairness and Favorability Assessments of Differential Parental Investment in the U.S.

Genetic Genealogy as a Window into Genomic Science: Racial Boundary Blurring and Reification

Why Hillary Rodham Became Hillary Clinton: Consequences of Non-Traditional Last Name Choice in Marriage

When Others' Disbelief Engenders Prejudice: Characterizing Anti-Atheist Bias in America

Environmental Values, Beliefs, and Behavior

International Law and Public Attitudes toward the Use of Torture

Understanding the Role of Religious Appeals in Political Communication

Testing the Effects of Message Framing on Support for Poverty Relief


Mobilizing Collective Identity: Frames & Rational Individuals

Don't Tread on Me: The Culture of Honor and Militant Responses to Terrorism

Assessing the Prevalence of Socially Undesirable Opinions: The Use of the Double List Experiment for Variance Reduction and Diagnostics

Onset and Offset Controllability in Perceptions and Reactions to Home Mortgage Foreclosures

Vignette Study on Web Paradata

Legislators or Delegates? Assessing Citizens' Stated and Revealed Preferences

Self-Regulatory Failure and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration

The Effect of Political and Expert Controversy on Public Opinion: The Case of HPV Vaccine Mandates

Judicial Impartiality, Campaign Contributions, and Recusals: Results from a National Survey

The Disutility of Injustice

Linked Fate, Context Effects, and Group Comparisons

Attitudes toward Risk and Electoral Decision-Making

Experiments in the Survey Estimation of the Prevalence and Incidence of Defensive Gun Use

The War at Home: Attitudes Toward Veterans Returning from Iraq

What Not to Say When Asking for Donations: How the Content of Requests Affects Participation

How to Measure Willingness to Engage in Political Action

Racial Appeals and Political Campaigns in a Diversifying Society

Reframing the Marriage Debate: Wording, Context and Intensity of Support for Marriage and Civil Unions

"White" or "European American"? Self-identifying labels influence majority group members' interethnic attitudes

Black Elite Rhetoric and American Public Opinion

Does Mentioning ‘Some People’ and ‘Other People’ in an Attitude Question Improve Measurement Quality?


The Effect of Visual Imagery on the Formulation of Risk Perceptions

Discomfort in Disagreement with God

Looking Weak in the War on Terror: Policy Consistency and International Reputations for Resolve

Regulatory Focus as a Determinant of Feelings of Ambivalence and Ambivalence Reduction

Elite cues and Emotion

Fear and learning in the immigration debate

Providential Religious Beliefs and U.S. Foreign Policy

Two-Sided Messages and Pandemic Flu: Persuading the Public to Follow Contradictory Government Directives

About Face: The Association between Facial Appearance and Status Attainment among Military Personnel

Local and National Influences on Inter-group Attitudes

Question Order Effects on Reported Memories and Perceptions Regarding the Iraq War

Perceptions of Swearing: An Analysis of Perceived Face Threats and Communication Competence

Risk Attitudes and Bioterrorism

Cultural Affinities, Regime Type, and Foreign Policy Opinion Formation

Bridging Partisan Divisions over Anti-Terrorism

More than Ideology: Conservative-Liberal Identity and Receptivity to Political Cues

Revealing the 'Hidden Welfare State': How Policy Information Influences Public Attitudes About Tax Expenditures

Altruism versus Induced Empathy in Recruitment for Blood Donations

Church or State?: The Effect of Religious Cues on Political Judgement

Motivating Emergency Preparedness Behaviors: The Effects of Guilt Appeals and Guilty Feelings

The Color of the Campaign: Race, Skin Color, and Candidate Preference among Blacks and Latinos

An Experimental Study of the Effects of Government Terror Warnings on Political Attitudes



With God on Our Side

Changing Horses Midstream: Leadership Turnover and War Outcomes

The effects of gender and power on persuasion

Looking to the Future: How Political Rhetoric Shapes Policy Opinions

The Age-Gender Interaction Effect on Status Expectations: Investigation and Career Implications

The Effect of Personal Experience and Mass Media on Public Confidence in Two Important Industries: Aviation and Medical Care

Sources of Blame Attribution: Citizen Attitudes Towards Public Officials after 9/11

Social Desirability Bias in Estimated Support for a Black Presidential Candidate

Predictors of Activism and Radicalism: past activism, past radicalism and grievance against the government.

Do International Legal Norms Affect Citizens' Willingness to Punish Foreign Human Rights Violations?

Nature or Nurture?: Explanations for Observed Gender Differences and their Effect on Gender Ideology and Political Opinions


Effects of Outgroup Friendship Salience on Outgroup Attitudes and Moderating Conditions

Non-Verbal Cues in Politics: Assessing the Interaction between Facial Similarity, Gender, and Candidate Visibility

Ethnicity and Episodic Framing in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina

Motivational Mechanisms and Hazing Behavior

The Candidate Evaluation Experiment: Testing Proximity and Directional Predictions on Policy Issues and Ideology

From the Eye of the Beholder:Attitudes about Physical Attractiveness and their Social and Demographic Correlates

How Causal Attributions Influence Attitudes about Affirmative Action

After the Storms: Anticipated Effects of Gasoline Prices on Health Behaviors and Health-Related Consumption

The Political Impact of Message Attributes from Religious Elites

The Appropriateness of Retaliatory Violence: Effects of Gender and Relationship

A randomized experiment on the determinants of generosity to the poor

Government Responsibility Attributions and the Room to Maneuver Debate

Market Populism, Cultural Conservatism and Limited Government: Examining the Complexities of Contemporary Political Ideologies

The Role of News Media and Stereotypes in Hip-hop’s Bad Rap: Insights into narratives, movements, public opinion, and U.S. race relations.

Experiments to understand how Americans react to new election procedures

Priming to Improve Survey Measurement through Anchoring Vignettes

Political Elites and Public Support for War

The List Experiment as an Unobtrusive Measure of Attitudes Toward Immigration and Same-Sex Marriages

Sources of Individual Self-Identification: An Experimental Approach

Do People Agree on how much Punishment fits Crimes?

The Interaction of Fear and Framing in Influencing Perceptions of the Social Security Debate: An Internet Experiment

Assigning Blame: The Public’s Response to Hurricane Katrina

Who Deserves a Helping Hand?:Attitudes about Government Assistance for the Unemployed by Race, Incarceration Status, and Worker History

Perceiving Neighborhoods: Exploring the Effects of Subjective Evaluations on the Process of Social Organization

The impact of genetic causation of mental illness on attitudes and beliefs toward the illness

Does Self-Reported News Exposure Measure Political Interest, not Actual Exposure?

Reducing Intergroup Bias: Does Dual Identification Help or Harm?

Courting the Public: Judicial Behavior and Public Views of Court Decisions

The Impact of Information from similar or different advisors on judgment

American Attitudes Toward the International Criminal Court: Framing Effects, Endorsement Effects, and the Idea of Multilateral Justice

Estimating Number of Lifetime Sexual Partners: A Strategy Activation Study

Testing the Generalizability of the Moral Mandate Effect Under Conditions of Personal Voice

Internalized Consensus: The Effect of Episodic Narratives on HIV/AIDS attitudes among African Americans

Reactions to Katrina: Emotions, Stereotypes, and Policy Evaluation


Who Moves Presidential Approval?

Going Against the Grain: The Intersection of Framing, Source Credibility, and Predispositions

Public Reaction to Military versus Private Security Deaths in Iraq

Statistical Discrimination, Stereotyping, and Evaluations of Worker Productivity

Generalization of the Valence Framing Effect

When "No" Means "Yes": Measuring Social Desirability Effects on the Expression of Biological Concepts of Race

Exploring the Dynamics of Personal Threat: The Effects of Anxiety on Policy Preferences

Moral Luck, Loss of Chance, and Legal Liability

Motivational Systems in Political Collective Action: Managing Free Riders, Exiters, and Recruits

Party Responsiveness and Mandate Balancing

Effects of Ostracism and Stigma on Self-Esteem

In the Eye of the Beholder: How Information Shortcuts Shape Individual Perceptions of Bias in the Media

Value Choices in the Mass Public: Testing for Framing Effects and Hierarchical Structure

Politeness Theory and Conversational Refusals

The Impact of Federalism on Citizen Support for Legislative Action

Attitudes towards Risk and the Framing of Bioterrorist Prevention Programs

Effect of mood on creativity

Maintaining a Sense of Belonging among the Socially Isolated

Question Order Effects on Political Interest Reports

Effects of Rejection on Multiple Relationships

Public Opinion of Congress a Causal Examination

Public Attitudes Towards a Supplementary Income Program for Low-wage Workers: A Study of the Effects of Framing, Distributive Justice Criteria and Material Interests

Measuring Teenage Pregnancy Norms and Their Effect on Resource Provision

An Experimental Test of Verification Threats in Political Debate

The Roots of Sexual Prejudice

Status Effects of Gender

Political Corruption and the Ethical Judgments of American Citizens

Exploring the Generality of "Naive Realism": Perceptions of Bias in Others who Disagree with our Opinions

Determinants of Trust: A Comparative Analysis

Capitalization, self-esteem, and building social resources

Audience Costs in International Crises

Perception of Synergistic Risk: Adjusted Anchoring Vignettes for Optimized Measurement

Political Knowledge, Political Thought, and Citizen Competence

The Dynamics of System Justification

Who has Narrow Brackets?

Studying the Effect of Income on Punitive Attitudes with a Two-List Factorial


I Think, Therefore I Vote (Correctly?): Systematic Cognitive Processing and Electoral Behavior

Assuming the Costs of War: The Effects of Knowledge of Casualty Rates on Support for Military Intervention

The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Mental Illness Stigma

Trust and Risk

Tone and Information in Negative Campaign Advertising

Affect and Cognition in Party Identification

Shame, Blame and Contamination: Mental Illness Stigma and the Family

General Prejudice Versus Discrete Emotions: Understanding Patterns of Intergroup Emotions

Preferences for Immunization Coverage in Health Plans

An Experiment on Vote Intention

Heritage or Hate: An Examination of Attitudes on the Georgia State Flag Controversy

Gender and Reactions to Political Campaigns

Does it Help or Hurt Kerry if Nader is on the Ballot?

Measuring Perceptions and Attitudes about Overweight and Obesity

Exploring the Social Bases of Attitude Strength

The Color of the Campaign: An Experimental Study of the Influence of Skin Color on Candidate Evaluation

Racial Identification Confounds the Assessment of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in African-Americans


Indirect Effects of Discredited Stereotypes: Social and Political Traits in Judgments of Jewish Leaders

An Investigation of Order Effects in the Measurement of Aggression and Aggressive Cognition

Us vs. Them?: How Threat Shapes Opinions about Immigration

A Study on Race of Interviewer Effects Using Visual Cues

Chronic Losers and Democracy

Self-Esteem, Organization of Thoughts about Partners, and Context-Dependence of Partner Views

Emotional Responses to Infidelity: Investigating Jealousy with a National Sample

The Political Backlash Against Globalization? Framing Effects, Information, and Attitudes Toward Internation Trade

Vote Over-Reporting: A Test of the Social Desirability Hypothesis

Game Responses as Survey Instruments: Measuring the Constituents of Social Capital

Who Deserves a Helping Hand?: Attitudes about Government Assistance for the Unemployed by Race, Incarceration Status, and Worker History

Cognitive Representations of Social Groups and Support for Public Policies

Recall vs. Judgment: Open-Closed Question Differences in Studying Collective Memory

Misperceptions of Public Opinion on Foreign Trade Policy and Their Implications

Consequences of Misperceptions of Public Opinion for Support of Specific Foreign Policies

A Behavioral Theory of Political Choice