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Principal investigator:
Eric Groenendyk
University of Memphis
Sample size: 2009
Field period: 04/13/2021-07/01/2021
H1: Specifying laws and policies will drive up interest in politics compared to baseline.
H2: Specifying debate about laws and policies will drive down interest in politics compared to baseline.
H3: Specifying that laws and policies are to address problems facing the country will accentuate the positive effect predicted in H1 and attenuate the negative effect predicted in H2.
H4: All effects will be larger among individuals who score higher in conflict avoidance.
Control: politics
T1: politics, by which we mean laws and policies
T2: politics, by which we mean laws and policies to address problems facing the country
T3: politics, by which we mean debate about laws and policies
T4: politics, by which we mean debate about laws and policies to address problems facing the country
How interested are you in politics [with potential elaboration]?
What is it about politics that makes you interested? [open-ended]
OR What is it about politics that makes you uninterested? [open-ended]
H1: Specifying laws and policies will drive up interest in politics compared to baseline. (supported, )
H2: Specifying debate about laws and policies will drive down interest in politics compared to baseline. (supported)
H3: Specifying that laws and policies are to address problems facing the country will accentuate the positive effect predicted in H1 and attenuate the negative effect predicted in H2. (supported for H2, but not H1)
H4: All effects will be larger among individuals who score higher in conflict avoidance. (supported for H1 only)
*Supported indicates p<.05